As shown in Figure 1, A and B, after 7 days in culture, PTCs from both WT mice and KIM-1mucin mice showed strong antiCKIM-1 Ab staining with an Ab directed against the Ig domain of the molecule

As shown in Figure 1, A and B, after 7 days in culture, PTCs from both WT mice and KIM-1mucin mice showed strong antiCKIM-1 Ab staining with an Ab directed against the Ig domain of the molecule. apoptotic cells protects the kidney after acute injury by downregulating innate immunity and inflammation. gene with a promoterCdriven … Continue reading As shown in Figure 1, A and B, after 7 days in culture, PTCs from both WT mice and KIM-1mucin mice showed strong antiCKIM-1 Ab staining with an Ab directed against the Ig domain of the molecule